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Zaragoza: Sightseeing

Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar Photo
This church is one of the most visited places of pilgrimage in all Spain, consecrated to the "Holy Virgin of Pilar", patroness not only of this town but of all Spanish-speaking countries. So the annual celebrations to the "Day of Pilar", at October 12th, are of great importance.

The baroque building of 1681 is flanked by four towers. Some parts, as the neoclassical main-facade, were added in later periods. In its interior the wall-paintings in the cupola, works of Goya and Bayeau, are of particular interest. In the churche's museum you can see a large collection mainly of religious arts.
Catedral de la Seo
This gothic cathedral, with lateron added parts in neoclassical, baroque and plateresque styles was built in 14th century, over an older Romanesque temple. In its interior, which consists of five naves with lateral chapels, the main-altar with splendid reliefs and the Mudejar-style apse are remarkable.

Among the lateral chapels, which generally are very valuable from the artistical point of view, the Capilla de Don Lope de Luna, of 14th century, is outstanding.
La Lonja
"La Lonja", the old stock exchange building, is a great Renaissance monument of 1541. Today it is used frequently for expositions.
Palacio de la Aljafería Photo
This splendid king's palace of 11th century is one of very few remaining Moorish buildings of the dynasty "Taifas".

The mosque with its minaret and the Torre del Trovador, a fortificated tower, are left of the original construction. Some other parts with rich Mudejar-style ornaments were added in the Christian epoch. The Throne Hall in particular is remarkable.
More Palaces
La Audiencia, Photo in the street Conde de Aranda, was built in 1551and served as residence to the Counts of Morata. It is considered one of the most beautiful palaces in Aragón.

Palacio de Argillo, at Plaza de San Felipe, is of 17th century and has elements of Gothic and Renaissance styles. In its interior you may visit the museum of Pablo Gargallo.

The Palace of the Counts of Sástago is worth a visit specially for its beautiful renaissance courtyard. It is frequently used for expositions.

The Patio de la Infanta, today main seat of a bank, has a great Renaissance courtyard either.

Torreón de Zuda, Photo the "Tower of Zuda", is the only remaining rest of a 10th century Moorish palace.
The Roman Town-Walls Photo
The remains of the Roman fortifications, of 3rd century, are a landmark of Zaragoza. Very well conserved parts you can find Photo close to the Tower of Zuda and to the church Iglesia de la Magdalena, alongside Ebro river.
Mercado de Lanuza
The "Central Market" is an outstanding example of modernist architecture. Its metal-construction was influenced by Eifel Tower in Paris.

The building is located at Plaza de Lanuza and is also known as "Mercado de Lanuza".
Arco de Dean Photo
A beautiful gothic arch, typical for the ambience of Zaragoza's historical center.
The Museo Provincial, at Plaza Sitios, 6, was made in 1909 for a Spanish-French exposition. Most interesting are some prehistorical objects and great paintings, among others of Goya.

Museum Camón Aznar, in Espoz y Mina, 23, is located in a great Renaissance building, Palacio de los Pardo, and exposes a valuable private collection of paintings, sculptures and ceramics.

Museum Pablo Gargallo, in Palacio de Argillo, has an important collection of contemporary sculptury.
Churches and Monasteries
Seo del Salvador, at Plaza de la Seo, was originally a Moorish mosque and lateron transformed to be a Christian church. It was modified several times and so consists of elements of Romanesque, Gothic, Plateresque and Mudejar styles.

The Church of Santa Engracia has an extraordinarily beautiful plateresque facade. In its crypt there are conserved relics of martys.

Close to it there is the town-gate Puerta del Carmen, built 1789 in neoclassical style.

The church Iglesia de San Pablo is of 18th century, its Mudejar-style tower of 14th century.

The monastery of enclosure Cartuja del Aula Dei Photo , in Barrio de la Montaña, may be visited on Saturdays after previous reservation at In the church you will see great mural paintings of Goya.

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