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Seville: Churches and Monasteries

The artistically most outstanding churches are:
Iglesia del Salvador Photo
Visits daily 6.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Seville's largest church apart of the cathedral, in baroque style. It was built in 18th century over the ruins of a Moorish mosque, of which is conserved only a tower. Inside the church there are important sculpture works ofMartínez Montañés and Juan de Mesa.

Hospicio de los Venerables Photo
Visits daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Baroque church of 1675, located in the heart of Barrio Santa Cruz, with an irregularly formed basis around a courtyard with arcades.

Hospital de la Caridad Photo
Visits Mo-Fr 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3.30 p.m. to 6 p.m., Sundays and Holidays no visits.
Photo 17th century baroque church with an important collection of artworks, among other of Valdés Leal and Murillo. This church is of the brotherhood de la Caridad (founded in 11th century and originally dedicated to the interment of the hanged) and was restructured in 1644 by its chairman Miguel de Mañara Photo , who is said to have been the model for legendary novel-figure "Don Juan".

Hospital de Nuestra Señora de la Paz
This large church with a 16th century facade flanked by two 18th century bell-towers with ornaments of ceramics is used today as a hospital. Its neoclassical altar and 16th century pulpit are remarkable.

Iglesia de Santa Ana
Mainly in Renaissance style, with Mudejar-elements.

Hospital de las Cinco Llagas
Founded in 1500 by Doña Catalina de Ribera, works were finished by her son Don Fadrique. Its portal with decoration elements of pink jasper is crowned by a sculpture ofJuan Bautista. Well worth seeing are the paintings of Esteban Marquez, a master pupil of Murillo. Today the building serves as seat of the Andalusian parliament.

Iglesia de San Luis
One of the most outstanding examples of sevillian baroque style, built in 17th century.

Templo y Museo de la Anunciación y Panteón de Sevillanos Ilustres
The old University Church in Renaissance style, with important sculptures and paintings.

Basílica de la Macarena
An unusual building of more recent construction, includes the statue of Holy Virgin Macarena, the perhaps most popular figure in Seville's famous Easter processions. Close to the church there are remains of the Roman town-walls.

Templo del Gran Poder
In its interior there is one of the most famous sculpture-works in town, "Cristo del Gran Poder" of Juan de Mesa.

Iglesia de San Esteban
In gothic Mudejar-style, includes paintings of Zurbarán.

Iglesia de Santa Catalina
14th century Mudejar-construction, built over an Moorish mosque of which are conserved the minaret and some arches.

Iglesia de San Marcos
In gothic Mudejar-style, conserving as well the minaret of a mosque over which the church was built.

Iglesia de Santa Maria la Blanca
Originally a synagogue, was lateron transformed to be a Christian church and remodeled in 17th century, in baroque style. It has some very important paintings, among others of Murillo.

Iglesia de Omnium Sanctorum
A 14th century temple with a Moorish minaret.

Capilla de San José Photo
A masterpiece of baroque style.

Iglesia de Santa Maria Magdalena Photo
A great baroque building with outstanding wall-paintings of Lucas Valdés.

Capilla del Antiguo Seminario
Chapel in gothic Mudejar-style.

Capilla del Patrocinio
Inside this chapel there is the famous painting "Cristo de la Expiración".
Convento de Santa Clara
Worth seeing are specially the sculpture works of Martínez Montañés in its church. In the monastery's courtyard is located the well-known Tower of Don Fadrique, an important building of the transition period of Romanesque to Gothic style.

Convento de San Clemente
In this convent you may visit the Pantheon of Doña Maria de Portugal. Particularly valuable are the 16th century ceramic works, the sculptures of Martínez Montañés and the paintings of Pacheco and Valdés Leal.

Convento de Santa Paula
Visits Tue-Sun 9a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m, Mon closed.
Very interesting are the Mudejar-style cloister, the museum and the great portal of 1504 with ceramic ornaments. Gourmets estimate in particular the traditional sweets prepared by the nuns.

Antiguo Convento de la Merced
This building with a beautiful baroque facade serves today as Museum of Arts. Remarkable is also its cloister, made in 1724 by Leonardo de Figueroa.

Convento de San Leandro
Important works of Martinez Montañés.

Convento de Santa Inés
In gothic Mudejar-style.

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