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Capital: Pamplona
Provinces: Pamplona
The history of the ancient kingdom of Navarre always has been marked by its border situation with France, Castile, Aragon and Baskland, and the fact that it is crossed by the Way of Saint James (Tip! ) is an additional reason for its extraordinary monumental richdom. Its beautiful towns, like Artajona which is surrounded by medieval walls, Estella, Olite, formerly seat of Navarre's kings, Tudela and Roncesvalles always are worth a visit.
The region's capital, Pamplona, a quiet and pleasant city, is world-famous for the Running of Bulls which form part of its most famous festival, Sanfermines, in July. Another very peculiar folkloristic attraction are the Navarrese Carnivals with their typical Zanpantzarrak.
Navarre is divided in three sectors: the mountain range of the Pyrenees in the north, with exceptional landscapes as the exemplaric Baztan valley; La Riviera in the south, a plain land with small lagoons and the fertile valley of Ebro river, and, inbetween, la Zona Media, with impressive landscapes and canyons as Hoces de Lumbier and Arbayun.

Navarre has no fewer than 50 natural preseves, most outstanding are Reserva Integral de Lizardoia and Parque Natural de Señorio de Bértiz. It offers great possibilities for hiking, climbing, fishing and is an ideal place if you want to spend green holidays in Spain.