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Capital: Merida (Badajoz)
Provinces: Badajoz and Caceres
This community is constituted of two provinces, Caceres and Badajoz, its capital nevertheless being Merida, certainly worth a visit thanks to its fantastic Roman ruins. Romans put Extremadura on the stage of history, and Merida was one of the most important cities in the whole Roman Empire. Lateron the region was for a long period of time the border between Moorish and Christian Spain. After the reconquista it arrived to new splendor with the discovery of America, when it was the cradle of several famous conquerors.
Extremadura's landscapes are characterized by the mountain ranges Cordillera Central, Montes de Toledo and Sierra Morena, the plains and fertile valleys of the rivers Tajo and Guadiana, and the plain lands of Low Extremadura. Its climate is continental, with warm summers and temperatures well over 30 degC, and quite cold winters.
Extremadura has several natural parks and preserves, specially the valleys of its two important rivers are important ecological reserves.
This region has yet not been discovered by mass tourism, but it has plenty of offers if you are looking for something off the beaten track: its original popular customs and traditions, typical dresses, great artisany of ceramics, metal works (those of Guadalupe are of high reputation) and embroideries, and an outstanding gastronomy: trouts, game, sausages, cheeses, as well as excellent wines.
Major attractions:
Merida Merida preserves some of the most outstanding Roman monuments, including a colossal theater, an amphitheater, two aquaeductus, and a bridge, not to forget about the Museum of Roman Art with its invaluable collection.
Caceres  The capital of Upper Extremadura has a beautiful old quarter, enclosed by Moorish town walls with great watch-towers. Additional attractions include some exceptional Renaissance palaces.
Trujillo  The birthplace of famous conqueror Pizarro is well known for its beautiful main square. There are also a great medieval castle and the well-preserved town-walls with seven doors.
Guadalupe  This beautiful town is dominated by a colossal Mudejar style monastery which preserves valuable works of art.
Plasencia A beautiful town with a Gothic-Plateresque cathedral, medieval town-walls and several palaces.
Badajoz The capital of Lower Extremadura is worth a visit thanks to its Moorish Alcazaba, town-walls and watch-towers.