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Pamplona: Gastronomy

To speak of the cuisine of Pamplona means to speak, in a wider sense, of the cuisine of all Navarra, which has an excellent reputation and is extremely varied thanks to the characteristics of its landscapes.

Specialities from the mountain-ranges are several preparations of game, usually in tasty sauces, as well as salmon and trout. An original recipe is trout filled with cured ham.

Also Pochas de Sangúesa, a very delicious kind of beans of high reputation, are the base of many typical dishes.

The region of Tierra de Estela is famous for its dishes of lamb and goat: Asados de Cordero, Cabrito and Cordero en Chilindrón.

Ribera has delicious vegetables, like the mild Pimientos del Piquillo (red pepper) and Asparagus, as well as an original preparation of fish in a sauce of garlic and paprika, called Ajoarriero.

Combining ideally with the dishes mentioned above are the well-known wines of the region, D.O. Navarra.

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