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Granada: Sightseeing

Granada: Tours & Sightseeing
Alhambra and the Gardens of the Generalife
This page offers you a tour to discover the most famous and impressive monument of Granada, and perhaps even of all Spain ... Read More >>>
This cathedral with its five naves is considered to be the most important Renaissance building of Spain. Built in the transition period of Gothic to Renaissance, it shows as well elements of this earlier style.

Specially remarkable are the main chapel, Capilla Mayor, the lateral chapels and of course the façade with its sculptures. The Best of Andalusia
Capilla Real
The Royal Chapel was built between 1505 and 1521 under Spain's catholic kings. The northern front was lateron integrated in the cathedral. Worth visiting are specially the kings' tombs of marble from Carrara. The museum shows paintings of the collection of Queen Isabel, among them works of Van der Weyden, Botticelli, Bouts and Berruguete, the queen's crown and scepter and sword of King Fernando.
La Lonja
A market building from 16th century, with a façade in plateresque style, close to cathedral and Capilla Real.
La Alcaicería Photo
The old Arabian silk-market, which has lost little of its lively ambience through the centuries. (Though today you are more likely to find souvenirs there ...)
El Albaicín Photo
In this part of town, located on a hill facing the Alhambra, was the king's residence during 11th century. Of this time still exist remains of the walls of the Alcazaba, the arcs of Puerta Monaita, Puerta Elvira and Arco de las Pesas, Arabian bathes and the Palace of Dar Al-Horra, which belonged to the mother of King Boabdil.

Several churches were built over Arabian mosques, remains of which still can be seen in their interior. In Iglesia del Salvador we find remains of Granada's Great Mosque, in Iglesia de San Juan de los Reyes of the mosque of the Alcazaba, while Santa Isabela la Real bears remains of a Moorish palace. The church of San Juan de los Reyes shows two marvelous minarets, and under the Convent of Santa Catalina there are remains of an Arabian house of 11th century.

Granada's Archaeological Museum shows highly interesting objects of prehistorical, phoenician and visigothic origins. Worth to mention are also the Church of San Nicolás, from where you have a fantastic view over Alhambra and Sierra Nevada, and the Royal Chancellery, Real Cancillería, a renaissance building with baroque elements.
Caves of Sacromonte
In those caves in the mountain of Sacromonte lived through centuries gypsies. Many of them have been changed into locals for tourists, decorated with ceramics and traditional copper-works, and are the scenery of Flamenco performances. Certainly something you shouldn't miss during your touristic visit to Granada.
Monastery of Sacromonte
The monastery was built at the place where, in 1594, treasure diggers found the famous lead plates with epigraphs of saints persecuted by Roman emperor Nero.
El Corral del Carbón
One of the most important Arabian buildings of its kind, a hotel of 14th century. In 1500 it was changed to serve as a theater.
Palace of the Madraza
In the Arabian epoch this building was the university. Lateron it was changed totally, the façade today is baroque. Only the remarkable chapel is conserved in the original style.
La Cartuja
A baroque monastery of 1506, with very beautiful vestry.
San Jerónimo
A splendid Renaissance temple, built by Diego de Siloe and Florentino, the "Indian", with an extraordinary altar.

More Information: Andalusia | Granada | The Alhambra | Excursions | Fiestas and Folklore | Gastronomy | Nightlife | Photo Tour

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