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  Spain / Andalusia / Malaga / Antequera EspañolEnglishDeutsch
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ANTEQUERA: "and el Torcal" ...

Moving from Malaga in northern direction, you arrive to Antequera Photo, wellknown specially for its remains of Bronze Age.

Dolmen de Menga Foto is a tomb of an age of 4500 years.

Just a few kilometers from the town there are thwo more prehistorical tombs: Domen de Viera, Foto (about 4500 years old) and Dolmen de El Romeral Foto (about 3800 years old).

The town itself has to offer some interesting monuments of more recent times, like the Arabian Castle Photo the huge town-gate Puerta del Arco de los Gigantes Foto built in 1585 to replace the old Moorish door. Formerly there was a colossal statue of Hercules at its top - that is where its name comes from.

In the Town's Museum you can see several interesting objects specially of prehistorical and Roman epochs. The Roman statue "Efebo de Bronce de Antequera" Foto of 1st century, is remarkable.

Interesting religious buildings are the Colegiata de Santa Maria la Mayor Foto one of the most beautiful Renaissance buildings of all Andalusia, and the churches Iglesia del Carmen and Iglesia de Belén.

Nearby you may visit the largest nature preserve of Andalusia, Laguna Fuente de Piedra, with several very rare kinds of birds.

An extremely interesting place where to go is the mountain range Torcal de Antequera Photo. Erosion has given bizarre forms to the rocks, and it seems you are entering a dream-world of saurians, giant turtles and similar beings.

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