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  Spain / Andalusia / Costa de la Luz / Huelva / Doņana National Park EspaņolEnglishDeutsch
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The Doņana National Park is located at the mouth of the Guadalquivir River and covers an area of 50.720 hectares. It is the largest natural park in Spain, was declared a World Heritage Site, and is a home for numerous endangered species.

Doņana and its ecosystems provide a unique biological diversity in Europe: wetlands, beaches, dunes, mountains, forests and lakes. In particular, the marshlands, which occupy about 27,000 hectares, are extremely important as a transit, breeding and wintering area for thousands of European and African birds.

Flora and fauna of the park are very diverse, with many rare and endangered species of plants, freshwater fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and more than 360 species of birds, 127 of which breed regularly in the park.

Among the endangered species that have found a home here are also the golden eagle and the Iberian lynx.

In the park there are six visitor centers are open all year, except during the week of the festival of El Rocio and the Christmas holidays. Access is free and reservations are not necessary.

The Best of Andalusia

Specially recommendable is a visit to the center "El Acebuche", about 3 km from Matalascaņas. The reception is located in a palace that was built by the Duke of Medina Sidonia, for his wife Doņa Ana, amidst the mountain landscape.

Here you will get valuable information and can then explore the park on your own by foot. The conservation measures should however be closely observed. If you prefer guided tours, you can as well explore the Doņana National Park with an SUV or by horse riding.

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