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Ibiza Town: Vila d'Eivissa |
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The town of Ibiza, also called Vila d'Eivissa, is located on a hill just at the seaside and is surrounded by impressive fortifications. It offers a unique and colorful ambience with its narrow lanes and numerous shops and stands, where you can buy souvenirs and the latest fashion articles. Here you simply must take life easy!
What to see:
Barrio de la Penya y de la Bomba
This typical and colorful quarter of town, located just at the town-walls, is the center of Ibiza's pulsating life.
D'alt Vila
Ibiza's historical center, located at the top of the hill and enclosed by town-walls. There are several interesting monuments to visit:
(D'alt Vila) the Gothic tower is of 10th, the Baroque nave of 18th century. In its interior, there are artworks of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque epochs.
Museo Monográfico del Puig de Molins
( Via Romana, open 16.00 to 19.00 ) Europe's best museum of Punic art. The Punic necropolis Puig de Molins is located under the museum and may be visited too.
Archaeological Museum
(D'alt Vila, open 10.00 to 13.00 ) Exposition of objects from prehistorical times until 16th. century.
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Balearic Islands |
Ibiza |
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