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BALEARIC ISLANDS: Mediterranean Paradise

This wonderful group of islands is divided into Gimnesias (Mallorca, Menorca and Cabrera) in the North, and Pitiusas (Ibiza and Formentera) in the South-West.

Their excellent climate with some 300 days of sun per year, wonderful beaches, a rich cultural offer and the unusual hospitality of their inhabitants make Balearic Islands one of the preferred holiday destinations in Spain. There are more passengers at the airport of Palma de Mallorca than at the airport of any other Spanish city.

Hardly anybody who has spent holidays here didn't wish to return, in fact, many visitors have made the islands their permanent home. Each of the islands has a strong personality all of its own, and each of them offers much more but the possibility to spend nice holidays at the beach ...

More about Balearic Islands ...

Fiestas and Folklore

A calender of events, and a short summary on the most important and most original "Fiestas".


A short summary on the history of those islands and their very old cultures.


The traditional Cuisine of Balearic Islands surprises with a variety of original and sophisticated recipes.

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